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Lynnbrook Centre
counselling • psychotherapy • supervision
The Lynnbrook Centre offers a variety of training programs aimed at counsellors and psychotherapists. These range from half/full-day workshops on a variety of topics to weekend introductory and year-long advanced courses on Jungian Sandplay Therapy. The latter is offered in a group and one-to-one basis in our purpose-built sand therapy studio and is delivered in association with the Sandplay Institute of Ireland. With the required number of practice hours, graduating students of our Advanced Certificate Course qualify for full accreditation with the Association for Jungian Sand Therapy in Ireland.

Sand Therapy Courses
Advanced Certificate
Course in Jungian Sand Therapy
65 hours over 12 months
A unique and intensive learning experience for qualified and near qualified therapists.
This advanced course delivers all the
skills required to become an
accomplished Jungian Sand Therapist.
Combined with the required number of
practice hours it qualifies successful participants for full accreditation with AJSTI, the Association for Jungian Sand Therapy in Ireland.
The course is delivered
on a group and one-to-one
basis over a 12-month
period beginning
Sept 10th 2022.
"My own journey through Jungian Sandplay Therapy has been painful, challenging and very rewarding.
It has brought me to some of the darkest corners of my unconscious as well as some of the brightest.
It has helped me grow, taught me humility, encouraged me to learn more and enabled me to celebrate my achievements.
Most importantly, it has made me a better therapist."
So writes Jean O’Kelly in a detailed article published in Droichead — the official journal of the
Supervisors Association of Ireland.
It’s a lengthy piece but well worth reading for its practical examples of how Jungian Sand Therapy can be used both with clients and in supervision.
You can download a copy of the article here
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