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Jean O'Kelly

Jean O'Kelly is one of Ireland's most experienced therapists and has been practising as a counsellor and psychotherapist for over 30 years. Her general practice at The Lynnbrook Centre is attended by clients from all over Ireland where she works with adults, couples, adolescents and children on a variety of issues.


Jean is a recognised expert on suicide and homicide bereavement and has lectured on both topics here in Ireland, the UK and Russia. She is also a qualified clinical supervisor accredited with the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. As a qualified Jungian Sand Therapist, she is accredited with the Association for Jungian Sand Therapy in Ireland and the International Jungian Sand Therapy Association. She was a lead tutor with the Sandplay Institute of Ireland and is qualified to deliver both introductory and advanced training courses.


IACP   Irish Assoc. for Counselling &                                Psychotherapy

AJSTI  Association for Jungian Sand

             Therapy in Ireland

IJSTA  Int'l Jungian Sand Therapy Association

SAI      Supervisors Association of Ireland




  • Executive Committee member of the IACP

  • Executive member of the International Jungian Sand Therapy Association (Irish Branch)

  • Hon. Secretary of the Association for Jungian Sand Therapy in Ireland

  • Founding member of the Louth Counsellors Peer Group 

  • Founder member of the Supervisors Association of Ireland



Originally from Dublin but living in Annagassan, Co. Louth since 2004, Jean's clinical experience as a therapist has been comprehensive and varied.


Soon after graduating she pioneered the introduction of suicide bereavement support groups across Ireland and lectured extensively on the subject both here and abroad.


Later she developed her skills as a trauma specialist, relationship therapist and addiction counsellor. In recognition of this experience she was appointed external supervisor to several organisations including the Rape Crisis Centre, AdVIC, SAH Support After Homicide, and Accord. She was also on the Critical Incident Response team of a major airline, has spent ten years working with cancer patients and their relatives and was on the training team of several counsellor training schools.


In 2002 she facilitated Ireland's first therapy support group for people bereaved by homicide and since then helped train and supervise a national network of counsellors.

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